Similar to many parts of PR, the relationship between media members and communicators is constantly evolving. Moreover, this relationship is crucial to the industry — PR needs media members more than they need us.
To contextualize why it’s the PR pro’s duty to proactively equip media members with fitting, fleshed-out, valuable stories, we need merely look at journalism’s landscape.
While many media outlets reduced staff for the past 20 years, some began offering thought-leadership space to industry executives.
Accordingly, fewer journalists are needed. In addition, they tend to operate with small budgets.
Here are some starting points:
– Show Your Skill Set
Develop impactful messages that communicate core values.
– Know Your Targets While Building Media Lists
When building relationships, don’t rely solely on a journalist’s byline bio—dig deeper across platforms.
– Never Spam, Blast or Over-Pitch
Pitching and praying will tarnish your (and your company’s) reputation. Tailor every communication point accordingly, and make sure you research before pressing ‘Send.’
– Offer Completed Posts and Comprehensive, Multimedia Storytelling Elements
Partnering with the press sometimes means assisting in drafting and polishing content on deadline.
Train Yourself and Staff in Journalistic Writing
Insist on excellence in writing. So, be thoughtful about media relations. Prioritize relationship-building equally with closing coverage. In addition, establish future-forward best practices that challenge peers to rise alongside us.