It’s vital to shift from the traditional model of push-based communications to one that is focused on telling compelling short-form stories designed to help better connect with and engage audiences. Consider that today’s end-user increasingly lives in a 24/7 on-demand online world in which they are exposed to thousands of brands and marketing messages daily.
- Don’t market or promote solutions directly. Instead, tell bigger-picture stories that evoke emotion.
- Keep messaging short, sweet, and simple.
- Lead with a strong, compelling and well-differentiated hook.
- Use visual elements, such as videos, animations, and infographics.
- Design messaging to suit the medium.
- Take a closer look at strategic ROI. Ask yourself, how can your social media strategy support your larger goals and objectives?
- Set tangible measurements that help you evaluate the impact.
- Remember that numbers aren’t everything, though.
- Shift the focus from strictly selling solutions to creating value for your audience.